





The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring



When people talk about the changes of the 21st centurytheir views certainly differ from that inventions have not only greatly improved our live but change the way we live to that the globalization creates some effect sides. Both sides of the questions are well supported by some reasons.


Those people who strongly believe that the science and technologies emerge have cogent reasons for it. First and foremostadvances will continue to be made in the field of medicine that will allow people to live longer and healthier lives on the grounds that in developed countries today most people already have a lifespan that would have been unusually long a hundred years ago . In other wordssteady progress is made in the eradication of disease and this should continue in the next 100 years as biotechnology in the field of genetics may someday allow us to develop bodies that are stronger and free of inherited defects . Besidesnew technology brings people around the world closer because communication becomes more efficient. When countries and their people form stronger bonds both economically and politicallyit has been like the development of European Union in resent years. This means that some day in the future there will cease to be national boundaries.


Howeverviews on this issue vary from person to person. Some people assert that one side effect of this globalization is that many characteristics of individual cultures will be lost and we can expect a growing population and demands for a higher standard of living to put increasing pressure on the earths resources. To begin withsome languages and art forms may only be found in museums by the end of century in that people ignore the protection of cultural heritage. Given that people have the demand for a higher standard of livingand given that this progress seems to be acceleratingwe have already seen some side effects of this in forms of science and technologies. Furthermorethe radiation is bad for human beingsfor numerous rays destroying all kinds cells result in the disorder of  immunologic system. Provided that increasing radio wave is sent in the skyhuman beings will suffer from much danger. This may be the reason why high technologies must cultivate a great amount of harm for human being.


In conclusionwe will find more efficient methods to make use of the available resources of develop alternative forms of energywhich can make use live in better harmony with nature. Although there may be problems in the futureour ingenuity and inventiveness will help us to deal with them. Only in the right way can we make it better sooner or later.


