







The line chart given illustrates how the Japanese population changed in different age structure in seventy years spanning from 1970 to 2040.


In 1960, slightly under two thirds of the population in Japan were people from 15to 46 years old, twice more than that of children between 0 and 14(30%).By comparison, there were few old people above 65, constituting approximately 5%.

In terms of the people aged from 15 to 46, there was a marginal growth with ups and downs prior to 1990, reaching the peak at about 75%, before dropping considerably to a record low of 55% in 2040.


The following forty years witnessed the growing number of the elderly, with the proportion sustainably rising to 20% in 2000 and is predicted to experience an exponential growth, peaking at 50% in 2040. The children (0- 14), however,showed an opposite trend and dipped to the same percentage in 2000. Just as expected, the gap between these two groups is projected to be widened, with children plummeting to the bottom at about 5% in 2040.


Overall, the 15-46 age group was still the major makeup in Japanese population in spite of some decline. The aging problem facing Japan, obviously, is becoming serious with the ever-increasing senior citizens.




in terms of 根据,按照,就······而言,在······方面

In terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory.


span n.一段时间,跨度vt.持续,贯穿

Modern medicine has increased man's life span.


marginal adj.微小的,边际的,末端的

The role of the opposition party proved marginal.


exponential adj.指数的,幂的

The frictional dissipation will introduce an exponential decay.


considerably adv.非常地,相当可观地,十分地

Attendance at my lectures has fallen off considerably.


plummet n.铅锤 vi.暴跌

House prices have plummeted in this area.


ever-increasing adj.不断增长的,持续增长的

The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugalstress.







In 1960, slightly under two thirds of the population in Japan were people from 15 to 46 years old, twice more than that of children between 0 and 14 (30%).


90% of those who held a skilled vocational diploma were men, compared with only 10% of women.

The proportion of male who consider car as most important was as twice higher as that of female.

Slightly under a quarter of the citizens in Utah are people of 0-14 age group.


