





一节 比较和对比


1.Unquestionably,there are a number of underlying differences. However,I guess that the most significant one would be that+从句…,whereas…。In addition to this,another possible distinction might be that+从句…。On the other hand,…is/are more likely to prefer to do sth.【无疑地,这儿有许多潜在的不同点。然而,我认为最重要的一个不同点是……。但是,……。除此以外,另一个不同点可能是……。另一方面,…可能喜欢多某事。】

2.Well,undoubtedly,there are a variety of possible differences. Though,I suppose that the most obvious one would be…。On the contrary,…。As well as this,a second key distinction would be…。By contrast,…【毋庸置疑,这儿可能存在很多不同点。可是,我想最明显的一个不同点是……。正相反,……。除此以外,另一个关键的区别是……。但是,……。相比之下,……。】

3.From my perspective,there are a range of potential distinctions. But I would say the most fundamental one would be…。Then again,in opposite,…。On top of this,a subsequent contrast could be…。Conversely,…。【以我看来,这儿有一系列潜在的不同点。但是我要说最基本的不同点是……。相反,……。另外,另一个差异是……。相反,……。】

4.Well,obviously,there are some key differences. The main distinctions I can think of now are…。Additionally,a further distinction might be…。Alternatively,…。【很明显,这儿有一些主要的不同点。我认为现在最重要的区别是……。另外,更深层的区别是……。或者,……】


二节 问题



1、Obviously,we can say there are quite a lot dangers with regard to this issue.【很明显,关于此事件会有很多危害。】

2、It is universally accepted that there are a few hazards involved with...【众所周知,许多危害涉及……。】


1、At the outset,the most crucial problem is that+从句…【首先,最关键的问题是……】

2、First and foremost,one major worry is probably that+从句…【第一点也是最重要的一点,令人最担忧的可能是……】

3、Essentially,one fundamental concern is probably that+从句…【基本上,一个根本的厉害关系是……】


1、This is unmistakably perturbing because+从句…【此事毫无疑问是令人感到很不安的,因为……】

2、This needs to be seen as a sensitive matter because+从句…【这应该被视为意见很敏感的事情,因为……】


1、Additionally,another major cause for concern has to be the fact that+从句…【另外,对于此事另一个主要的值得关注的原因是……】

2、Another matter which causes unease is the point that+从句…【另一个导致令人不舒服的事情是……】


1、And the short-term/long-term impacts of this are that+从句…【此事的短期/长期影响是……】

2、And the underlying repercussions of this are that+从句…【潜在的反映是……】

3、And the principal upshot of this is probably that +从句…【此事的主要结果可能会是……】


三节  解决方案



1、In my view,there are a number of actions that could be taken.【以我之见,应当采取大量行动。】

2、I honestly believe that there are a few ways to tackle these problem.【我相信有很多方法可以来解决这问题。】


1、When dealing with the first problem,the easiest way to work it out could be to do sth.【在对应第一个问题时,最简单的解决方式是做某事。】

2、The most effective way to get to the root of the problem would be to do sth.【最有效的解决该问题的根本办法是做某事。】


1、Now,taking into account the second challenge,the only way to get to the bottom of this dilemma would be to do sth.【当把第二个问题考虑在内时,解决这个问题的唯一方法是做某事。】

2、Taking on the second problem,the most successful way to confront this would be to do sth.【当考虑第二问题时,面对/解决这一问题的最有效的方法是做某事.】


四节  优点



1、Well,I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.【我想有许多显而易见的好处。】

2、Clearly there are a number of obvious merits.【显而易见有许多很明显的好处。】

3、Obviously,there are numerous positive features.【显而易见有很多积极部分。】


1、But I would probably say that for the most part,the one thing that really stands out is that+从句…【我很可能会说大多数情况下,唯一比较突出的是……】

2、But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that+从句…【毫无疑问,最明显的是……】

3、However,I guess the most evidence one would be that +从句…【然而,我认为最为明显的是……】


1、This is obviously favorable because+从句…【这很明显是有利的,因为……】

2、This is undoubtedly for the simple reason that+从句…【毫无疑问,一个简单的原因是……】

3、This is without doubt beneficial because+从句…【毫无疑问,这是非常有益处的,因为……】


1、At the same time,a second bonus might be that+从句…【同时,另一个好处是……】

2、Besides this,a second plis point out could be that+从句…【除此之外,另一个有点是……】

3、As well as this,a further favorable aspect would be that+从句…【除此以外,另一个有利的方面是……】


1、This clearly advantageous because+从句…【这很明显是有好处的,因为……】

2、This is definitely valuable since+从句…【这明显是有价值的,因为……】

3、This is surely a positive feature because+从句…【这的确是一个积极的方面,因为……】


五节  缺点



1.I think it is fair to say that there are a few negative aspects.【公正来讲,我认为这里有许多负面的东西。】

2.I am sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks.【我确定大多数人都认为此事会有许多缺点。】

3.Of course,there are a couple of shortcomings.【当然会有一些缺点的。】


1.I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that+从句…。【我猜,最不切实际的特性就是……】

2.I suppose the most unfavourable quality might be that+从句…。【我猜,最令人不快的地方就是……】

3.Undoubtedly,the most adverse feature would be that+从句…。【毫无疑问,最不利的部分是……】


1.Most people would agree that this is problematic because…【大多数人都会认为这是有问题的,因为……。】

2.This is an obvious weakness because…【这是一个很明显的缺点,因为……。】

3.This is a clear limitation because…【这是一个显而易见的缺陷,因为……】


1.Correspondingly,an additional weak point may be that+从句…。【相对地,另一个弱点可能是……。】

2.Supplementary to this,a further handicap may be that+从句…。【此外,另一个缺陷可能是……。】

3.At the same time,another stumbling block might be that+从句…【同时,另一个障碍可能是……】


1.And the trouble with this is…【这个事情带来的问题是……。】

2.And this can be a hassle because…【这会是一个值得争辩的事情因为……】

3.This is usually an aggravation because…【这通常会是一个令人烦恼的事情因为……】


六节  变化


1、… is/are going through some big changes.【……正在经历着一些巨大变化。】

2、…has undergone tremendous changes over the past few decades.【过去几十年间,……已经经历了巨大的变。】


3、Enormous changes have taken place on…in the past few years.【在过去几年内,巨大的变化仍然发生在……上了。】

4、There has been a rapid increase in…【……在激增。】

5、The number of …has soared dramatically over the last few years.【在过去几年间,……的数量显著上升。】

6、…is getting more and more …than before(=it used to be).【……正变得比过去更……。】

7、One big change I would catch is that+从句…【我知道的第一个很大的改变是……】

8、Another great change I need to point out is that+从句…【我需要指出的另一个相当大的改变是……】


七节  预测



1、Certainly,I am sure most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related to this.【当然,我很确定大多数人都认为关于此事会发生很大的变化。】

2、I am sure that in years to come we will witness a number of changes related to this.【我确定,在即将到来的几年内,我们会看到许多与此事相关的改变。】

3、I reckon that in the not so distant future,there are going to be a few changes with regard to…【我推断在不远的将来,关于……会有一些改变。】

4、I imagine that in the near future,we will see some tremendous changes with regard to…【我设想在在不远的将来,我们会看到……相关的重要改变。】


1、Initially,I guess that we might begin to see +从句…【首先,我想我们可能会开始看到……】

2、First and foremost,I would predict that +从句【首先,我想我会预测……】

3、Primarily,it looks quite probable that +从句【首先,看起来非常有可能……】


1、At the same time,I suppose it is quite probable that +从句(推测)…【与此同时,我猜我们将非常有可能……】

2、As well as this,some people claim that+从句…【除此以外,有些人声称……】

3、Furthermore,I imagine that we may even be able to see…【此外,我想我们甚至能够看到……】

4、Likewise,I would imagine that it is quite likely that +从句…【同样,我想很可能会……】


1、And who knows,it could be even be possible that +从句…【谁知道呢,很有可能……的到来。】

2、And I know it is a bit of a crazy thought,but one day +从句【我知道这是一个有点疯狂的想法,但是有一天……】

3、And who knows,there is even a chance that+从句【谁知道呢?很有可能我们会……】


八节  重要性和必要性


1、…play a significant role in our life.【……在我们生活中扮演重要的角色。】

2、…has always been important to our lives.【……一直以来对我们的生活都很重要。】

3、…is something we all take seriously.【……是我们都很认真对待的事情。】

4、I would probably say that the real importance of…is that it allows us to…【我要说……正真的重要性是它使我们……】

5、I think the biggest role that …plays in our lives is that…【我认为……在我们生活中扮演的重要的角色就是……】


九节  品质


1、Well,in order to be a good/successful+名词,one should…【为了成为一名好的/成功的……,一个人应该……】

2、It is necessary for a good/successful +名词to have passion/enthusiasm/patience in…【对于一个好的/成功的……而言,对于……有很大的激情/热情/耐心是很必要的。】

3、I think a good/successful+名词is the one who+句子…【我认为一名好的/成功的……应当是一个……的人。】

4、Being …and…are the most fundamental qualities of a…【……是一个成功人士的最基本的品质。】

5、Only +状语(状语从句),+一般疑问句结构【例如:Only in the right way can we make it better sooner or later.只要我们以恰当的方式去考虑,事情迟早会好转的。】


