






The bar chart indicates the number of internet users in five different countries during a period from 2001 to 2002, whose rate in terms of the increase are displayed in the table.


The bar chart provides an overview of the Internet connection in five developed countries in two different years of 2001 and 2002 when they all experienced an upward trend but with different rates. Overall,South Korea demonstrated the highest proportion of Internet connect while Britain indicated the quickest growth rate.


In 2001,the number of the internet users in USA, Germany and Japan were similar with approximately 4 per 1,000 people. Among these three countries, South Korea had the largest number of five countries, totaling roughly 17 per 1,000 people while Britain had only 2 per 1,000 people.


According to the data in 2002 and increasing rate of internet users, it was obvious that most of the countries, including USA, Germany and Japanhad a rate of growth that shared a similarity between 50% and 80%. Additionally, the South Korea experienced a slow increase rate with 41%, soaring in a stunning rate with 230% for the internet users in Britain. Although South Korea and Britain had the lowest and the highest rates respectively, the rank of the number of these five countries was still in original order due to their number at first.


To sum up, there was a pervasively upward trend in internet collections in five different countries from 2001 to 2002 and South Korea led the largest number.       




The graphs provide an overview of the Internet connections in five developed countries in two different years when they all experienced an upward trend but with different rates. Overall, South Korea had the highest proportion of Internet connection while Britain showed the quickest growth rate.


The most significant feature is that the Internet penetration rate was the highest in South Korea in both years. About 18 in per 1,000 people had access to the Internet in 2001 and this figure rose rapidly to almost 25 in per 1,000 persons in 2002. Both numbers over tripled those of any other nations. Even in the US where computers and Internet were invented, the Internet connections were only around 5 and 7 per 1,000residents in the two years. Japan indicated more or less similar figures and it is closely followed by Germany. Surprisingly, UK witnessed a nearly two-folded growth though the number of Internet connection was still very small in 2002, compared with other countries.


With regard to the table which illustrated clear figures of their growth rates. As is expected, Britain had an astonishingly 230 percent growth rate in its Internet connection. The second quickest increasing rate was in Japan but the figure was only about a third of the UK's. The corresponding figures of Germany and USA were 67percent and 50 percent respectively while South Korea had only 41 percent.



penetration  n.渗透

Penetration by foreign capitalism accelerated this process.


more or less  adv.大约

We found each cask leak more or less.


astonishingly   adv.惊人地

He was astonishingly adept at manipulating the big machine.


corresponding   adj.相应的

You will be punished in a way corresponding to your profession.





... when they all experienced an upward trend but with different rates. Overall,South Korea had the highest proportion of Internet connection while Britain showed the quickest growth rate.

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