



新编雅思口语【1】Part 3--湛江雅思培训机构


Part 3


 Young people and cooking


1 What kinds of things can children learn to cook?


Well,children can learn to cook a whole range of dishes,from quick and easy snacks like sandwiches  and fruit salads to more complex meals like dumplings,stir-fried vegetables and soups. 

They can also whip up a batch of cookies,cakes or other desserts if they're feeling fancy.

Generally  speaking,the key is to start with simple recipes and gradually move up to more complex ones as they build their  skills and confidence in the kitchen.Apart from that,children can broaden their  culinary knowledge by exploring other cuisines,such as Western or Japanese.


a whole range of dishes全系列菜肴

whip up轻松做出

move up提升

broaden one's culinary knowledge拓宽某人的饮食知识

stir-fried vegetables炒蔬菜

feel fancy想尝试一些高级的菜式 

build one's skill and confidence提升某人的技能和信心 

explore other cuisines探索其他菜系


2     Do you think it is important for children to learn to cook?

Absolutely,in my opinion,it's essential for children to learn how to cook.It not only teaches them practical life skills but also helps them develop a better understanding and appreciation of food.Plus, cooking teaches children to be patient,organized,and responsible as they learn to plan,shop for and prepare meals on their own.Additionally,cooking can be a fun  and rewarding experience for children, as it allows them toexpress their creativity,experiment with flavours and textures,and take pride in their culinary creations. Lastly,cooking can bring families together,as parents and children can bond over the preparation and enjoyment of meals.


practical life skill  实用生活技能



express one's creativity表达某人的创意

experiment with flavour and texture尝试不同的口味和口感

bring families together团聚家庭

bond over the preparation and enjoyment of meals在准备和享受食物的过程中建立密切关系

understanding and appreciation of food 对食物的理解和欣赏

fun and rewarding experience有趣且有益的经验

take pride in one's culinary creation 为某人的烹饪创作感到自豪


3 Do you think young people should learn to cook at home or at school?

Honestly,I believe that young people should learn to cook both at home and at school.

Cooking at home can be a great way for kids to connect with their families,pass down traditional recipes,and learn about their cultural heritage.

Plus,it can be a more relaxed and personal environment that encourages experimentation and creativity.

On the other hand,cooking at school can provide a more structured and educational experience that exposes children to new recipes,techniques,and cuisines.

It can also help them develop their teamwork  and communication skills, as they work along side their classmates to prepare meals.So,I think it's important for children to have access to both settings.


connect with one's family与家人建立联系            

cultural heritage文化遗产

relaxed and personal environment  轻松和亲密的环境

structured and educational experience结构化和教育性的经验

expose children to new recipes,techniques,and cuisines 让孩子接触新的食谱、技巧和菜系 teamwork and communication skill团队合作和沟通能力

pass down traditional recipe 传承传统食谱

have access to有获得……的机会


 Working as a chef


1   How enjoyable do you think it would be to work as a professional chef?


Well,being a professional chef can be really enjoyable if you love cooking and are passionate about food.But let's not forget that it's also a very demanding and stressful job that requires a lot of hard  work,long hours and creativity.For example,you have to stand for long hours,carry heavy pots and pans and work in a hot and sometimes cramped environment. On to pof that,working as a chef means that you are often judged by peers,critics and customers,which can be a source of stress and anxiety In a nutshell,it can be a remarkable and rewarding career,but it's not for everyone.


demanding and stressful job要求高、压力大的工作

hard work艰苦的工作

long hours长时间的工作

cramped 狭窄的

on top of that除此以外

judged by peers,critics,and customers

source of stress and anxiety压力和焦虑的来源


in a nutshell总而言之

remarkable and rewarding career 非凡且有回报的职业


2    What skills does a person need to be a great chef?


To become a great chef,you need a combination of technical skills,creativity,and  a  passion  for cooking.

Firstly,a chef must have strong basic cooking techniques,like  chopping,grilling,and baking. 

They also need to have a deep understanding  of ingredients  and how to use them to create unique and flavorful dishes.But in my view,it's creativity that really sets a chef apart. 

They  need to be able to develop new recipes,experiment  with ingredients,and present their dishes in a way that's visually appealing.

And finally,passion is an essential ingredient for  success in the culinary world.I mean,cooking can be hard work and requires long hours,so chefs need to truly love what they do to excel in this profession.


technical skill技术技能

understanding of ingredient对食材的理解

set a chef apart 使得厨师与众不同

visually appealing具有视觉吸引力的 

ingredient for success成功的因素

chopping,grilling,and baking切、烤和烘焙 

unique and flavorful dish  独特且美味的菜肴 

experiment with ingredients用不同的食材进行实验

excel in this profession在这个行业中脱颖而出


3   How much influence do celebrity/TV chefs have on what ordinary people cook?


Well,I think they have  a big  impact on people's cooking habits.

For a start,they bring new recipes and  techniques  to  the  table  and  make  cooking  exciting  and  approachable.

People  love  their personalities  and  expertise ,and  often  look  to  them for guidance on what  ingredients,tools,and cookware to use.

Another point is they do popularize certain food trends like avocado toast and  kale salads. 

But it's worth noting that not everyone can whip up the fancy dishes   we see on TV.

So,while celebrity chefs can inspire and teach us a lot,ultimately,its up to us to decide what we want to cook and how we want to do it.


have a big impact on……有重要的影响 

approachable 触手可得的

expertise 专长

avocado toast and kale salad 牛油果吐司和羽衣甘蓝沙拉

it's up to sb.to decide最终由某人决定

bring new recipes and techniques to the table 带来新的食谱和技巧

look to sb.for guidance以某人为指导 

whip up the fancy dish弄出花式料理  

inspire and teach sb.a lot 很大程度上激励并教导某人



