





Lesson 8



In many ways Britten's most ambitious effort is the War Requiem of 1961, a flawed but still impressive work for chorus, soloists, and orchestra. It weaves together the traditional Latin Mass for the Dead with antiwar poems by Wilfrid Owen, a young officer killed in World War I. The point of War Requiem is how the words of the liturgical text are reinterpreted and often rendered hollow by the realities of death in war. In this work we see Britten's prodigal inconsistencies on display. For all its problems(它所有的问题), the War Requiem will probably survive as one of our time's most impassioned indictments of war and its heroic myth.





Which of the following most accurately summarizes the opinion of the author in the text?【尾句】


Which of the following...“以下哪一个......”;summarize总结;opinion观点;author作者;text文章




He finds the weaving together of the Latin Mass and antiwar poems to be quite effective.

He is critical of Britten's inconsistencies as observed in the War Requiem.

He admires the War Requiem of Britten but finds it far from perfect.

He questions whether Britten's work will endure.



The approach to the methodology of learning and teaching has to be comprehensive, presenting all options(所有的选择) in an explicit and transparent way, and avoiding advocacy or dogmatism. It has been our fundamental methodological principle that the methods to be employed in language learning, teaching and research are those considered to be most effective in reaching the objectives agreed in the light of the needs of the individual learners in their social context. Effectiveness is contingent on the motivations and characteristics of the learners as well as the nature of the human and material resources which can be brought into play.




What point is the writer making in this paragraph?【首尾句】


What point is the writer making?“作者表达什么意思?”;paragraph段落




Motivation is worth more than intelligence in learning.

Language can be effectively learnt through play.

There is no single不单一 best method for learning.

Teachers should regularly change their methods


