







社会生活the social life

教育the educational systems

交通the transportation systems

经济the development of economy

服务体制the service industries

企业管理the management of the enterprise

制造业the manufacturing industries     

电子产业the electronic industries

自然资源the natural resources

文化产业the cultural industries

媒体产业the media industries

医疗体制the medical systems

科技发展the development of technology

建筑业the constructing industries

旅游the tourism industries



You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.



Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.



Some people think +从句....but others think+从句...【有些人认为......,但是另一些人认为.......

placing advertisements投放广告;be a great resource是一种很好的资源;for.....【对......来说】

public schools that need additional funding(定语从句修饰public schools

句子:public schools{主语} need谓语 additional funding宾语

名词:public schools{名词} that{代替前面的名词作主语}need{定语从句谓语} additional funding{定语从句宾语}

exploit sb by treating sb as...【利用某人把某人当作......


Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.






When people talk about...their views naturally differ from that+从句...{一方观点}+to that+从句...{另一方观点}.【改写题目:两边倒/discuss both views{人们讨论......时,他们的观点自然出现分歧,有的人认为......,由的人认为......}Both sides of the question are well supported by sound reasons.【引入下文{用于discuss both views}{双方都有理。}




When people talk about the social lifetheir views naturally differ from that placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional funding to that it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors. Both sides of the question are well supported by sound reasons.



....play an extremely significant role by the time when+从句..........扮演极大重要的角色,这.....First and foremost....in that+从句....【首先,......因为.......Providing that+从句....+主句......【如果............Besides......doing sth【其次,......,这可以......Had +主语+过去分词,+主语+would have+过去分词.【如果.....的话,...........


范文:placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional funding


The economy plays an extremely significant role by the time when placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional funding. First and foremostadditional funding for public schools is very important in that the students need good environment and facilities to enhance their level of academic performance. Providing that the public schools have moneythe good environment and facilities are built to make students focus on the study for the development of the future. Besidesit is good to place advertisement in schoolspromoting the cultural exchange. Had the public schools shared the different culturesboth teachers and students would obtained great benefits.


the development of the future未来的发展;culture exchange文化交流;share共有//分享;promote促进;academic performance学业成绩;it is good to do sth“做某事有利的。”obtain=get=gain获得;make sb focus on ...“让某人专注于......”】




There arehoweversome drawbacks in the way where+从句....【然而,也有一些不利之处那就是.......Firstly......which can......【首先,......,这会......What we should do is that+从句...【我们应该所做的那就是......Additionally......because+从句....【其次,......因为......Not only is/are+主语+unable to...but also+主语+is/are failed to...【不仅......无法.......,而且......无法......


范文:it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors


There arehoweversome drawbacks in the way where it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors. Firstlyplacing the advertisement in school may be a captive audience for corporate sponsorswhich can bring students much mental and psychological harm. What we should do is that it is the better choice to avoid any advertisement getting into school. Additionallythe aesthetics of campus environment has been affected because the goal of corporate sponsors is different from that of schools. Not only are students unable to get some knowledge from the advertisementbut also they are failed to use the advertisement to improve their study.


【学习句式:it is the better choice to do sth做某事时更好的选择;avoid doing sth避免做某事;the aesthetics of.........的美观”;campus environment校园环境;be affected“受到不良的影响”;be different from...“与.....不同”;the goal of A......that of BA的目标.......B的目标”;obtain获得;obtain some knowledge from...“从.....中获得知识”;enhance=improve改善/提高】





In conclusionthere are some merits for.....while we cannot ignore the disadvantages.【总而言之,对.......来说有一些好处,但是我们也不能忽视缺点】Only in the right way can we make it better sooner or later.【只要我们以恰当的方式考虑未来会更好的。】



In conclusionthere are some merits for placing advertisement in public schoolswhile we cannot ignore the disadvantages. Only in the right way can we make it better sooner or alter.


