





社会生活the social life

教育the educational systems

交通the transportation systems

经济the development of economy

服务体制the service industries

企业管理the management of the enterprise

制造业the manufacturing industries     

电子产业the electronic industries

自然资源the natural resources

文化产业the cultural industries

媒体产业the media industries

医疗体制the medical systems

科技发展the development of the technology

建筑业the constructing industries

旅游the tourism industries



Some people think that environment problems(环境问题) are too big for individuals to deal with应付/处理. Othershoweverthink that each individual should take some actions.


Some people think that+从句.... Othersthink that+从句....【一些人认为......,然而,另一些人认为.......。】

too ...to do sth【太......而不能做某事。】;individuals个人;for individuals对个人来说

take some actions采取行动



Whenever people talk about...(背景),their views will certainly differ from that+主语+谓语...(改写前句)to that+主语+谓语...(后句)Both sides of the question are well supported by sound reasons.




Whenever people talk about the social lifetheir views will certainly differ from that individuals are unable to solve the environment problems to that some actions are taken by each individual. Both sides of the question are well supported by sound reasons.


be unable to do sth无法做某事;solve解决=deal with应付;被动语态:be+过去分词{ take some actions主动语态(改为被动语态)some actions are taken}are well supported by...有很好的......支持;sound reason理由】



第二段:论述environment problems are too big for individuals to deal with


...plays a significant role. ......扮演重要的角色】First and foremost....in that+从句.....【首先,......因为.......Providing that+从句....+主句....【如果..............Besides......which can ....【其次,......,这能.......




Our individual actions and global environment problems play a significant role. First and foremostthe use of fuel is reduced by individual actions in that the pollution comes from them. Providing that we avoid driving the carand take public transitwalk or bicycle insteadthis will gain good solution. Besidessaving energy at homelike turning on the air conditioner only when we have toor turning water heater down a few degreesshould not be ignored every daywhich can be extremely good for the environment.


the use of fuel能源使用;...be done by sb通过某人做某事”;avoid doing sth避免做某事】

avoid doing sthand do sth instead【避免做某事,改为做某事】take public transit乘坐公共交通

do sth only when we have to【只有必要时才做某事】;turn... down a few degrees【将......调低几度】

water heater 热水器;extremely非常


