







4What is the popular job in your hometown?



Well, I reckon it should be information technology. Anything about computer is so hot in my hometown. More and more students would like to choose some majors like例如 computer science, programming, etc.



I reckon that+从句...【我认为......。】;I reckon it should be...【我认为应该是....】;be so hot很热门{beis/am/are/was/were}anything about...【只要是.......有关的任何事情】;would like to do sth想要做某事;choose原形-chose过去式-chosen过去分词“选择”;computer science计算机科学;programming编程


5What about the working environment in your work?



It's great. There are lots of up-dated最新的 computers and office facilities. All of my colleagues are getting well with each other. The boss always encourages us to complete each task.I'm quite enjoying the working place as it makes me feel comfortable.



get well with sb【与某人相处融洽】;each other相互/彼此;encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人去做某事;enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事;be doing sth正在做某事{现在进行时}make sb do sth让某人做某事




1What do people usually do in their spare time?



It depends. Different people may have different tastes品味. Generally, the old may like staying at home to read books or feed饲养pets. Young people pursue fashions, so they may go shopping and watch movies at cinema. The kids just like playing games with others. And amusement park is their favorite最喜欢的 place in free time在空闲时间.



like doing sth喜欢做某事;stay/停留; 句子........so+从句...............,所以.......】;play games with sb与某人玩游戏;free time=spare time空闲时间


2What do you do then?



Normally, I prefer to read books. I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.



prefer to do sth【跟喜欢做某事】


3Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?



be important to sb对某人重要】


It's not only important but also necessary. Since I'm very busy with my work, I need to relax in my spare time. Moreover, I need more spare time to share with my family.



not only..but also...“不仅......而且......”】Since+从句...+主句...【因为......,所以......】;be busy with sth“忙着做某事”;need to do sth需要做某事;share with sb【与某人共处】


4What do you do in your spare time?



A lot of things to do in my free time, like reading some detective novels, surfing the net,playing the video games, and even甚至 going shopping with/ my friends or helping my mum do some housework. Anyway, I try to take it easy放松 when I was not busy around.



a lot of things to do【会做很多事情】help sb do sth=help sb to do sth帮助某人做某事;try to do sth尽量做某事;【主句.....when+从句....“当.......时候,......。”】be busy around总是在忙碌


5What do you usually do on weekends?(Do you think weekends are very important for you?)在周末通常做什么?“(你认为周末很重要吗?)


Firstly, I get up late until 9 o'clock on Saturday because during the weekdays在平时/在工作日 I'm very busy,and then然后 go out with my friends or go to gym. After that之后 watch TV or read in the evening. On Sunday, I just stay at home, doing something enjoyable一些喜欢的事情 like surfing the net or studying.



6Is spare time important to you? What do you do in your spare time?



Of course it's important. Spare time is the only time for me to relax and enjoy life享受生活. I do physical exercise体育锻炼 every morning and evening. I'm also keen on listening to music. Sometimes I go out with friends to window shop or just have a get-together with them.



be the only time for sb to do sth“时某人唯一的可以做某事的时间”】be keen on doing sth喜欢做某事;be keen on sth喜欢某事;go out to window shop with sb【与某人出去逛街】; have a get-together with sb与某人聚聚会


7How do you balance your work and your spare time?



balance A and B“平衡............”】


l enjoy my work, but I never think of it in my spare time. l enrich myself and have a good time so that I can work better. So l always manage to find time for relaxation even when I'm busy.我享受我的工作,但我从来不在业余时间里去考虑它。我丰富自己还有尽兴地玩乐,这样我才能更好地工作。因此我总是设法找时间去放松,即使是在我很忙的时候。


enrich oneself丰富自己】;主句.....so that+从句.............以至于.......】;manage to do sth设法做某事;find time for relations找时间放松;【主句.....even when+从句............,即使......”】


8What are the popular ways to relax nowadays目前?



the ways to do sth做某事的方式】


Outdoor exercise is gaining great popularity nowadays. Now Chinese people, especially the young, have enhanced their consciousness of physical fitness身体健康. An increasing number of Chinese young people have become regular physical exercisers, and in the long run(从长远来看),they will compose the major(主要的) population of those taking part in physical exercise.



gain great popularity流行】;have+过去分词{现在完成时}have done sth已经做某事;the consciousness of.........的意识”;have become...“已经成为......”;the major population of.........的主要人群”;the major population of those doing sth做某事的主要人群;take part in...“参加......




1What is the difference between the people's eating habit (standard of living) in modern time and that in the past?



【饮食习惯eating habitstandard of living生活水平】


Dramatically显著地 changes have been occurred in people's eating habit during(在......期间) the last ten years过去的十年. If we look back(追溯)10 years ago when they are still at a quite lower economic level, most people can't afford the poultry and pork to cook and they just eat some cereal谷物 and vegetables.



Dramatically changes have been occurred已经发生了非常显著地变化】If+从句....+主句...“如果.............”【.....时间+when+从句...........在那时.......”】;be still at a quite lower economic level“还是处于相当低的生活水平”【cant afford sth“买不起某物/吃不起某物/负担不起某事”】poultry家禽;pork猪肉;cook烹饪;sth to cook“煮某物”


2Is it possible可能 to change your eating habit?



It is possible to do sth会做某事{Is it possible to do sth会做某事吗?}


It is possible(会的/可能的), if my eating habit has worsened my health, and I will change it easily容易地,through通过 watching out the categories of food l eat(我吃的事物) and the nutrition营养 content含量 in the food在食物中.



have/has worsened ones health已经影响某人的健康{worsen不良影响}】;through doing sth通过做某事;watch out...“调节.......”;the categories of........的种类”;


3What's your favorite food?



I like eating fruits, because fruits contain a great amount of vitamins, and it is said that eating fruits can do good to people's skin.



It is said that+从句....“听说/据说......”】;do good to ...“对......有好处”


4What food don't you like to eat?



I hate mutton. I can't stand(无法忍受) the smell of......的味道) it. I want to throw up when I smell it. / I think I'm going to faint晕倒 when exposed to its smell.



.......when exposed to sth......散发时......”】


5Do you like eating out?eat out出去吃饭】



No, I don't like eating out, for it's not hygienic and it's quite expensive for me.



6What kind of restaurant is your favorite?What kind of...“什么类型的......”】



I like restaurants with striking引人注目的 characteristics such as those那些食物 serving special特别的 food.



sth with A“有A的某物”】;serve提供


7Can you say something about the good points and bad points of eating in a restaurant?



Can you say something about...“你能说说关于......吗?”】 the good points and bad points of.........好处和坏处”【 the good points and bad points of doing sth做某事的好处和坏处】


Well, concerning eating in a restaurant, we have to think about the hygienic condition. At the same time, the price should be considered. On the other side, it is more likely to have some delicious foods(吃一些美味的食物) in a restaurant than at home.



Concerning doing sthwe have to think about sth“就做某事来说,我们不得不去考虑某事。”】be more likely to do sth更可能做某事【It is more likely to do sth in A than in B“与在B那里相比,更可能在A那里做某事”】


