



雅思口语Part 3 高技能人才的薪酬(2)-湛江雅思培训机构


Which kinds of jobs have the highest salaries in your country? Why is this?翻译:在你的国家,哪种工作的薪水最高?为什么?



Well,as far as I can see, banking and commercial real estate jobs would probably offer the highest salary in my country. As for the banking sector, employees should be clever at data analysis. And there is no doubt that most jobs related to banking is well paid.That's why lots of people with a keen financial brain expect to find a job in this domain.Besides, housing is a basic living condition. Everyone has to rent or buy a property.In recent years, China's real estate market has grown rapidly, so you would also get a pretty good salary if you work in the real estate industry.



Are there any other jobs that you think should have high salaries? Why do you think that?




I think sanitation workers and construction workers should get high salaries. As for sanitation workers, they work from dawn to night in spite of the dog days of summer or the dead of winter. They have to face an awesome amount of garbage everyday.And their jobs, to some extent, are perilous. Sometimes they have to clean up the rubbish littered by tourists on a cliff under harsh weather, But the truth is that they are poorly paid.Likewise, construction workers toil under harsh condition. These two types of jobs are of high labor intensity and high risk, so they should get high salaries as a compensation.



Some people say it would be better for society if everyone got the same salary.What do you think about that? Why?




I don't think it would be better for society. People are engaged in different industries and make different contributions to the society. If each individual got the same salary,it would be unfair to those who make greater contributions, even leading them to lose their motivation to make progress. By the same token, people would tend to reap the profits, deeming it unnecessary to work hard. So if things went on like this, the society would eventually reach a plateau.



I totally agree with this point of view. Now, we are still facing many unfair problems in fileds such as income distribution. People engaged in the promising industries, such as banking and real estate, can get higher salaries. In contrast, people working in labor-

intensive industries like construction and mining industries are poorly paid. So the gap between the rich and poor is becoming wider. But if each individual got the same salary,the income gap would disappear, which is potentially favorable to social development.



