我小的时候特别盼望过年,往往是一过了腊月,就开始掰着指头数日子。对于我们这种焦急的心态,大人们总是发出深沉的感叹,好像他们不但不喜欢过年,而且还惧怕过年。他们的态度令当时的我感到失望和困惑,现在我完全能够理解了。我想长辈们之所以对过年感慨良多。一是因为过年意味着一 笔开支。二是飞速流逝的时间对他们构成巨大压力。小孩子可以兴奋地说:过年了,我又长大了一岁:而老人们则叹息:嗨,又老了一岁。过年意味着小孩子正在向自已生命过程中的辉煌时期进步。而对于大人,则意味着正向衰朽的残年滑落。
The reasons for the elder’s mixed feelings about the New Year,I think,come down to the following. On the hand,celebrating the New Year means a great expense to them. On the other hand,the fleeting time exerts considerable pressure on them. Kids may say excitedly that they begin another year in their life after the New Year;while elders、 may sigh,“well,I have become one year older!”For kids,the New Year means、 that they啊re making progress in the most brilliant part of their life. On the contrary,for the elders,it is an indication that they are sliding into their declining years.