英语专业八级专项培训教材第1册写作题讲解TEST 3
本题讨论的是直播这一热门话题。选段1中谈到希腊双胞胎姐妹通过网络平台上传她们在中国和希 腊生活的直播视频,成功地传播了两国的文化,受到了广大网民的热烈欢迎;选段2则提到直播平台的商 业模式诱使直播者将自己的健康和生命置于危险之中,因此有必要从根本上对直播平台进行规范。本题 的写作重点在于首先概括上述选段的观点;然后就这一话题提出自己的观点,并给予足够的论据支撑;最 后总结全文,重申论点。
My View on Live Streaming
In recent years,the world has witnessed a rapid rise in the live streaming industry,and we have to admit that live streaming is an outstanding way to reach the online audience.It has massive appeal to viewers,drawing them in far more than traditional online videos.It has created stars out of ordinary people, helping them not only popularize what they want to show, but also promote the communication between different cultures. However,while looking at the positive influence,the dark side of this burgeoning market can not be ignored as well.It's not difficult to find that live streaming has also been the breeding ground for dangerous acts and the dissemination of inappropriate contents.
In my view,because of the very intimacy and immediacy of live streaming,it's impossible to ban the medium,but we need to take those exposed problems seriously.Otherwise,the disadvantages brought by live streaming would outweigh its benefits.
To begin with,as many performers can make easy money by dancing,telling jokes,or simply eating and sleeping,viewers' outlooks on work and money are easily misled. Secondly,many contents on various live streaming websites can be considered seedy,and some go far beyond the boundary of good taste,so the spread of these contents can produce a negative social impact.What's more,for the sake of attracting eyeballs and making money,some individuals do something illegal at all costs,which tends to induce juvenile delinquency. Last but not least,the privacy of users and the public is also hard to be guaranteed.
To conclude,live streaming will not only continue to grow but also have new innovation in the future. However,to ensure its healthy,orderly and sustainable development,the supervision of live streaming should be strengthened further.All Internet-based service providers must take legal responsibility for their contents,and violators should be punished severely.
● witness 见证
● It has created stars out of ordinary people, helping them not only popularize what they want to show,but also promote the communication between different cultures.直播让一些普通人成为明星,不仅帮助他们推广自己想要展示的东西,而且促进了不同文化之间的交流。
● burgeoning 增长迅速的
● breeding ground 滋生地,繁殖地
● dissemination 散播
● In my view, because of the very intimacy and immediacy of live streaming, it's impossible to ban the medium, but we need to take those exposed problems seriously. Otherwise, the disadvantages brought by live streaming would outweigh its benefits.在我看来,由于直播的亲近感和即时性,要禁止这一媒介是不可能的,但是我们需要认真对待这些暴露出来的问题。否则,直播带来的弊端将大于其益处。
● for the sake of 为了……的利益
● at all costs 不惜任何代价
● juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪
● violator 违背者