








四、形容说和副词(The Adjective and The Adverb)



1 Bat his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business.


【注】本题的难点是对下述句型的理解和翻译:not...,any more than...(=no more...than...)……一样都不……;不……,如同不……一样。注意这个句型常考。请看例2及注释




2 Mr. McWhorter's academic specialty is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of "whom", for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.


[注释]no more...than……一样都不……no more...than=not any more...thannot...any more than,例如:1)The progress he has made results hardly any more from his fancy than from the outside aid.(他所取得的进步几乎既不来自于他的幻想,也不来自于外界的援助。)本句中否定意义由hardly表示。2)There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink.(他们没有理由要限制你摄入维生素的量,同样他们也不能限制你的喝水量。)[1993年试题]3)The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.(心脏和胃一样都没有智力,因为它们都是由大脑控制的。)




3 He knows little of mathematics,and still less of chemistry.


[注释] still less意为更谈不上更谈不上……”常用的表达方式如下:much less,let alone,not to speak of , to say nothing of , not to mention .




4 They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involves moral judgment.


[注释]more than不仅仅:All the infants died before the first year.But clearly there was more than lack of language here.[1993年试题](所有的婴儿在一周岁以前都死了。但显然这里不仅仅是没有语言的问题。)make reflections on……进行思考、反省




5 The problem of unemployment the governments want solved is as serious as ever in underdeveloped countries.


[注释]ever(=at any time before)(过去)任何时间。the governments want solved是定语从词省略。solved是过去分词作宾补。例如:I want the work finished by Saturday.(我希望这项工作在周六前结束。)




6 Andrew,my father's younger brother,will not be at the picnic,much to the family's disappointment.


注释]much作副词,修饰介词短语,如:Much to my surprise,she forgot our meeting.(使我感到十分惊讶的是,她居然忘记了我们的会面。)




7 Help will come from the UN, but the aid will be nowhere near what's needed.


[注释]nowhere near(=certainly not,far from)是成语,意为……很远;远不是。例如:Fifty dollars is nowhere near enough.(50美元是远远不够的。)




8 Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents.


[注释]moremany的比较级形式,修饰peopleseven times是度量状语,来说明more的程度。




9 The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, don't have small children and get along well enough to spend most of their time together.


[注释]形容词或副词+enough+to do sth.是惯用搭配。




10 Greatly agitated,I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,only to find it locked.


[注释]only+动词不定式置于谓语动词后作结果状语用,表示与主语的主观愿望相反的客观结果,例如:1)He went to the seaside to swim only to be drowned.(他到海边去游泳,结果却被淹死了。)2) They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera, only to discover,perhaps,that the show is disappointing.(他们没有必要花钱买昂贵的电影票、戏票和歌剧票,结果或许却发现演出的戏十分令人失望。)




11 In the long run, however, this hurry to shed full-time staff may be as harmful to industry as it is to the workforce.






12 That so many advances have been made in such a short time is the most valid argument for retaining the research unit.


[注释]such a(an)+形容词+名词=so+形容词+a(an)+名词。此外,time作“一段时间”解,则为可数名词,故前由加不定冠词aanThat在本题中引导主语从句。




13 Federally funded training and free back-to-school programs for lait off workers are inder way, but few people believe they will succeed.


[注释]littlea little修饰不可数名词的单数形式,而fewa few修饰可数名词的复数形式。本句中第一分句是肯定句,but表示语气的转折文第二分句应为否定句。A littlea few表示肯定意义,而littlefew表示否定意义;又因people是可数名词复数,综上所述,本句中应该用fewlaid-off被解麻的;under way在进进行中。




14 John McLarena farmer in Victoria State in Australiatook pride in his horsewhich looked surprised under the sunlight.


[注释]look 作半系动词用,后接形容词作表语。类似的半系动词有 sound(听起来),taste(吃起来),smell(闻起来),feel(摸起来)。所有上述动词均可作半系动词用,后接形容词作表语,主动语态表被动意义。例如:1)The story sounds interesting.2)The dish tastes delicious.3)The meat smells sweet. 4) The stone feels hard. take pride in 以……自豪,如: He loved s son and took pride in him .




15 They did not find it worthwhile to prepare for the worst conditions they might meet.


[注期]worth adj./prep.(值得),不能单独作表语,其后必须接名词或动名词,worthy adj.(值得,配释上),不能单独作表语,其后必须接of+名词或动名词,也可以接动词不定式,例如:1)Such an act is worthy of death . 2 ) The book is worthy of being read . 3 ) They are not worthy to be chosen,worthwhile adj.(值得于的,有价值的),例如:1)The visit to Paris is worthwhile.(作表语)2) She has a worthwhile job.(作定语)3) I wouldn't think it worthwhile to ask him to join the club.本句中it是形式宾语,worthwhile是宾语补足语,动词不定式短语作实际宾语




16 I'm afraid the TV set which is imported from Japan may be far too expensive.


[注释]far作程度状语,常与too连用,意为过于一,例如,The room was small and contained far too much furniture.(这间房间太小,而里面的家具过于多。)all too“实在太”之意,但带有“碗惜”之意。例如:The holiday passed all too soon.(假期过得实在太快了。)又如:Such behaviour is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.(这种行为被认为是“人之常情”,言下之意,动物或许不会有这种岔恨不平之感。)




五、主语和谓语的一致关系(The Subject-Verb Agreement)



1 There are many valuable services which the public are willing to pay for, but which do not bring a return in money to the community.


[注释]两个which的先行词都是services,故第二个which的谓语应该用第三人称复数形式。注意如果There be句型后是若干个单数名词,则谓语可以用There is。例如:There is"the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of deference" characteristic of popular culture.[2006年试题](美国的民主化使人们的衣着和谈吐风格趋于一致,人们漫不经心、不拘礼节,没有强制的顺从,这些都是大众文化的特点。)




2 The amount of pressure which the materials are subject to affects the quality of the products.






3 There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today.


[注释]than引导比较状语从句,从句中省略the anxiety which



4 Despite much research, there are still certain elements in the life circle of the insect that are not fully understood.









