



英语专业八级翻译Lesson 7


英语专业八级翻译Lesson 7








They cast away whatever subjects they dislike like something utterly worthless.They are so smug and thick-skinned that they speak volubly in defense of their own attitude like champions of interestism. They hardly realize that there is no learning but is capable of engendering interest and that all depends on how to search for it.You will develop a liking for learning if, under the guidance of a good teacher, you study to discover new horizons opening up before you one after another by following the proper order and advancing step by step. On the other hand, you will find learning as dry as sawdust and feel frustrated if you refuse to go into a subject in depth or even make impetuous advances without following the proper order. People with an average natural endowment are equally capable of mastering the basics of liberal arts and natural science. They are never predetermined by nature to be good at one subject and poor in another. It is laziness and waywardness, however, that causes one to give himself up as hopeless and back down on the pretext of "no interest".




1.画线部分第一句中的便撤在一旁视如救展可直译为cast away...like a pair of worn-out shoes,保持原文的形象比喻。不过,更加明白易懂的译法是cast away...like something utterly worthless


2.画线部分第二句中的没有没有趣味的学问译为there is no learning but is capable of engendering interest,其中 but 是关系代词,常用于否定词之后,相当于that not


3.画线部分第三句较长,翻译时宜采用拆分法将其分为两句翻译,可将前三个小分句译成第一个句子,绝不会本能地长于此而拙于彼译为第二个句子,其中的指的是擅长”,“指的是不擅长”,而这里的指的是不同的学科,据此我们可将此句翻译为They are never predetermined by nature to be good at one subject and poor in another


4.画线部分最后一句中的趣味的掩护之下败退”,借口缺乏趣味而放弃不干的意思,故译为back down on the pretext of “no interest”


