








Cloze (10%)

Direction: In this section there is passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D listed below the passage. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. 


Every day, over a million people log onto different Internet-based games. There is truly something for everyone in the gaming world. Games provide a quick escape from   51  . Game developers are the new breed of storytellers, creating altemative  52   . Games represent the ultimate interactive movie, allowing the user to control the direction of the plot.


And now the newest technologies allow you to play games no matter where you are. At home, we have PC or video game consoles.  53   , a desktop or laptop computer can be loaded with OS-bundled games or Web-based freebies. Even while traveling, there are many wireless computers, portable devices, wireless phones and PDAs  54  


Games are now pushing back all the    55    once placed upon them by technology, category, realism, location and time. These advances are helping to push games into the  56  of virtual reality. Thus, the stuff of science fiction novels is gradually emerging, the graphic aspects of the game quickly    57  . Initially, electronic games involved    58    moving blocks across a TV or computer screen. 59  the vast increases in processing power, games are quickly approaching three-dimensional realism. This power allows a developer to create a    60    world where a garner can look around in full 360-degree vision.


51. A. society B. reality C. dream D. illusion

52. A. approaches B. characters C. worlds D. mazes

53. A. In general B. At present C. In reality D. At work

54. A. to choose from B. to choose C. choosing from  D. chosen

55. A. defects B. drawbacks C. limitations D. disadvantages

56. A. room B. realm C. range D. boundary 

57. A. evolves B. evolving C. evolved D. evolve

58. A. simply B. readily C. exceptionally D. simultaneously

59. A. Aiding by B. To aid by C. Aided by D. To be aided by

60. A. human B. original C. realistic D. microscopic



51. B  各选项的意思分别是:A. society社会;B. reality现实(世界)C. dream 梦想;illusion幻想。原句意思:游戏为人们提供逃避现实的一个快速通道。选项B. reality 现实(世界),符合上下文,是正确答案。

52. B  各选项的意思分别是:A. approaches方法:  B. characters人物;  C worlds 世界;D. mazes迷宫。原句意思:游戏开发者是新生讲故事一族,他们创造另外一个现实世界。选项B. 上下文,是正确答案。

53. A  各选项的意思分别是:A. In general一般情况下;B. At present目前:C. In reality事实上;D. At work工作中。原句意思:在家中,我们一般都有个人电脑或游戏机。选项A符合上下文,是正确答案。

54. A  本题考点是动词形式:空白处需要填一个choose的正确形式,既动词不定式。又因原文中说要在众多形式的游戏机中选择,所以,要用choose from。选项A是正确答案。

55. C  本题为词汇题:根据上下文选词。原句意思是:众多的游戏现在已经把由于技术、种类、现实、地点和时间导致的限制推到了一边。说明游戏已经有了新的发展。各选项的意思分别是:A. defects缺陷;B. drawbacks缺点;C. limitations局限性;D. disadvantages不利条件。另外,习惯用法为:push back the boundaries/limitations of…因此,本题正确答案是选项C

56. B  根据上下文,应组成一个短语:the realm of virtue reality一个虚拟世界的王国。各选项的意思分别是:A. room空间;B. realm王国;C. range范围;D. boundary 边界。根据上下文,选项B是正确答案。

57. B  使用正确动词形式:动名词,表示伴随状况。正确答案是选项Bevolving

58. A  根据句子结构,此处需填一个副词。原句意思是:最初,电了游戏只能做到在电视或电脑屏幕上移动积木块而己。根据上下文,选项人simply仅仅,是正确答案。

59. C  本题考的是动词形式。Aided by为过去分词短语,此处作状语,用来表示伴随状况:借助程序处理能力的巨大提升,游戏正迅速朝三维世界发展。

60. C  根据上下文,此处应选C项,表示虚拟的现实世界









