










Paper One

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30%)

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be road only once. After you hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

Listen to the following example.

You will hear:

Woman:      I feel faint.

Man:        No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.

Question:     What's the matter with the woman?

You will read:

A. She is sick.

B. She was bitten by an ant.

C. She is hungry.

D. She spilled her paint.

Here C is the fight answer.

                                          Sample Answer

                                                A   B  C  D

Now let's begin with question Number 1.

1. A. John failed the exam. B. John didn't take the exam.

C. John passed the exam, but scored low. D. It took John a long time to pass the exam

2. A. To travel by train. B. To go by Taxi.

C. To go hiking. D. To rent a car.

3. A. 1-231-555-1212. B. 1-213-555-2112.

C. 1-213-555-1212. D. 1-231-555-2112.

4. A. Morning sickness. B. A frequent headache.

C. A pain in her fight leg. D. A boring hospitalization.

5. A. Doctor and patient. B. BOSS and secretary.

C. Agent and customer. D. Driver and passenger.

6. A. To buy another pair of shoes. B. To help his brother right away.

C. To turn to his brother for help. D. To seek advice from the woman.

7. A. He is offering a piece of advice. B. He is examining a patient.

C. He is attending his daughter. D. He is taking a patient's history.

8. A. To ask the man to call her back. B. To go to the botanic garden.

C. To do some gardening. D. To play tennis.

9. A. Louise is not a new comer. B. Louise loves being a nurse.

C. Louise did a lot of work for the man, D. Louise has been waiting for a long time

10. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Seven.

11. A. She has thrown out of the car. B. She was knocked down by the car,

C. She hit her head on the steering wheel. D. She got the steering wheel in her chest

12. A. She overacted to the man. B. She cried over her failure.

C. She made a success of her diet. D. She was jealous of the man.

13. A. He hates those who fool around. B. He will never try the stuff.

C. He will shoot any drug dealer. D. He regrets having tried the stuff.

14. A. The opposite to the man's expectation. B. A quicker recovery than expected.

C. A pair of mismatching boots. D. Her healthy pregnancy.

15. A. He will do as requested. B. He will not join the team.

C. The woman is crazy about him. D. The woman has trouble standing.

Section B

Directions: In this section you will hear one dialogue and two passages. After each one, you hear five questions. After each question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.


16. A. For the purpose of diagnosis confirmation. B. For the possibility of legal trouble.

C. For the doctor's investigation. D. For the patient's future use.

17. A. He has got cancer in his pancreas. B. He falls with a stomach problem.

C. He suffers from fatigue. D. He has a loss of weight.

18. A. See a dietician. B. Have an operation.

C. Start chemotherapy. D. Take medication for pain relieve.

19. A. A couple of years. B. More than 5 years.

C. A couple of months. D. Approximately 5 years.

20. A. Suspicious. B. Anxious.

C. Hesitant. D. Factual.

Passage One

21. A. Life evolution. B. Space exploration,

C. Extraterrestrial life. D. Unknown flying objects.

22. A. His 50th birthday.

B. NASA's 50th anniversary.

C. The University's 50th anniversary.

D. The US Cosmology Association's 50th Anniversary.

23. A. Even primitive life is impossible. B. Intelligent life is fairly common.

C. Intelligent life is less likely. D. Any form of life is possible.

24. A. Nuclear weapons. B. Alien kidnapping.

C. Human extinction. D. Dangerous infection.

25. A. Ironic. B. Negative. C. Indifferent. D. Supportive.

Passage Two

26. A. Obese people need more food. B. Obese people require more fuel.

C. Obesity contributes to global warming. D. Obesity is growing as a global phenomenon.

27. A. Limited living space,

B. Crowded shopping malls.

C. Food shortage and higher energy prices.

D. Incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

28. A. Over 700 millions. B. Over 400 millions.

C. Over 2. 3 billions. D. Over 3 billions.

29. A. 1800 calories. B. 1280 calories.

C. 1680 calories. D. 2960 calories.


Paper One

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30 % )

Section A 

1. D  女士的话Finally(终于通过了)说明John用了很长时才通过这门考试。

2. B  男士听到乘出租只要两小时后说“I'm up for that”,意思是我愿意这样做,即乐意乘出租车。up for sth. 意思是愿意做某件事。

3. C  由女士的话12135551212可知选C

4. C  由女士的话She came to see me this morning complaining a pain in her right leg可知病人的抱怨是右腿疼。

5. B  女士说:我要离开一周,我希望你能接着处理这里的事务,男士说You have nothing to worry about(你什么都不用担心),可知女士在给男士交待任务,应该是老板和秘书的关系。

6. C  男士先说I feel ashamed to ask him for help(我不好意思找他帮忙),女士安慰说他是你的哥哥,然后男士说I'll call him tonight(我今晚给他电话),可知男士今天可能会找他哥哥帮忙。

7. B  由男士的话Now I am going retake your left leg and see how far you can raise it Keep the knee straight. Does that hurt at an可知男士在给女士做检查。

8. D  女士说I have just made plans to play tennis,男士说Ohthat's too bad. Maybe some other time,可知女士还要继续按自己的计划去打台球。

9. A  男士说She's been here as long as I have可知Louise并不是新来的护士。

10. A  由女士的话I've had three. I lost two and had two miscarriages可知她曾怀过三次孕,这是第四次,而她两次流产,可知她现在还有两个孩了。

11. D  由女士的话I wasn't thrown outbut I got the steering wheel in my chest. And I hit my head on the wind screen可知,她并没有被甩出车,故A不对,胸部撞在了方向盘上,头撞在了挡风玻璃上可知D正确,C不正确,很明显发生车祸时她在车里,因而没有被车撞倒,故B不正确,故选D

12. A  男士说:听说你减肥两个月却胖了20磅,我很难过。女士说:你不要装慈悲了,你不过是怕我减肥成功后嫉妒我的身材罢了。可知,女士反应过激。crocodile tears 装慈悲。

13. B  由男士的话keep saying no to those who want me to try the stuff 可知他一直拒绝尝试吸毒。

14. A the shoe is on the other foot表示情况完相反,可知实际情况与男士的说法正好相反。

15. B  由男士的话Are you crazy? What have I got myself into可知他并不想那样做,也不想加入了。

Section B


16. D  医生的话so you and Mrs. Scot can play back later for anything that may not be clear to you today可知主要是为了病人以后的用处。

17. A  由医生的话you got a recurrence of cancer in you pancreas可知病人胰岛又出现了癌变。

18. B  由医生的话Surgery isn't an option ac this stage可知目前病人并不适合做手术。

19. C  由医生的话让it's a matter of months rather than years可知病人可能还能活几个月。

20. D  I'm sorry to have to tell you all thisbut my feeling is that it's always good to be honest with peoplethen you know what's what可知医生的语气是十分实事求是的。

Passage One

21. C  这篇听力文章要讲了英国著名天体物理学家Stephen Hawking对外星物的猜测,在文章最后提到了太空探索。

22. B  由文章中的话in honor of NASA's 50th anniversary可知是庆祝美国航空航天局成立50周年。

23. C  由霍金的话Primitive life is very commonand intelligent life is fairly rare可知智能生物存在的可能性比较小。

24. D  由文章中的话You could be infected with a disease to which you have no resistance 可知人们要注意感染。

25. D  文中霍金把不愿意投资太空探索的人比作不愿意支持哥伦比亚1492年探索的人,然后说道The discovery of the new world made a difference to the old(新世界的发现对旧世界带来巨大变化),可知霍金支持太空探索。

Passage Two

26. C  这篇听力文章讲了肥胖的人需要更多的食物、燃料,对全球变暖也有一定促进用。

27. C  由文中This adds to the food shortage and higher energy prices可知会恶化食物短、进一步能源价格。

28. A  由文中2. 3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese 可知肥胖的人数是7亿多。

29. D  由文中 obese people require 1680 daily calories to sustain normal energy and another 1280 calories to maintain daily activities可知肥胖的人每天需要1680卡路里作为正常能源,和1280卡路里维持日常生活,所以每天共需要2960卡路里。

30. B  由二人的话Promotion of a normal distribution of BMl would reduce the global demand forand thus the price offood可知可以降低食物价格。









