托福考试口语第一题Personal Experience
托福考试口语第一题Personal Experience
Who is a person in your family who has greatly influenced your life?Explain how he or she has influenced you. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
行为榜样 role model,优秀品质good qualities,受到良好的教育的educated,价值values,好的聆听着good listener,考虑周全的caring,树立的好榜样set a good example
In my family,my father has influenced me greatly because he has numerous good qualities. In addition,he is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Also,his thinking is extremely modern. He is able to understand people from different generations as well. Besides,he is a good listener,which makes him tolerant of other people’s perspectives. His personal values set a good example for me in my own life. The way that he treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. This is why I deem that my father has influenced me the most in my life.
What do you think is the rudest behavior according to your culture?Why?Include details and examples to support you explanation.
词汇:良好的礼仪good manner,礼节etiquette,社会责任感social responsibility,对……敏感be sensitive to…,令人满意的行为acceptable behavior,考虑take into account,文化冲突culture shock,多样性diversity,多元主义(主张认可人种、宗教、文化、政治倾向的的差异性并共同生活的思想)pluralism
In our culture,the rudest thing an individual can do is to ignore someone because it cuts off all communication. Ignoring someone illustrates selfishness and a lack of respect to others. If I am trying to catch someone’s attention in a meeting to discuss something or in a store for assistance ,it can be embarrassing to be ignored. It can hurt people’s feelings and make people lose self-confidence. Furthermore,it makes anyone witnessing this rude behavior uncomfortable. Overall,the rudest thing you can do is to ignore someone as it hurts everyone involved
What is the most memorable event you experienced in your life?Explain why it is memorable. Include details and examples to support your explanation.
词汇:联欢会或聚会get-together,安排活动paln an event,祝贺celebrate,纪念日anniversary,开启生活的新篇章start a new chapter in life,朝更大更好的目标前进move on to bigger and better things,从事新冒险embark on new adventure
My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it is such a special day. During our graduation,we were each called up on one at a time to the stage. We each receive our diploma and everyone applauded our hard work. I even received an award for being the best English student. There was a get-together afterwards,which was attended by all my friends and family. It was a memorable event because on this day I ended one part of my life and embarked on the beginning of my future.