If you could have any type of pet,what would you have?Explain the reason with details and examples.
词汇:一起散步take a walk,搞得一团糟make a mess,拴狗劲的皮带leash,无条件的爱unconditional love,服从训练obedlience training,培养责任感learn responsibility
Sample Speaking:
If I could have a pet,I would have a giraffe. It is the most majestic animal in the world.It is tall and sleek. It bends down gracefully to pick leaves from trees using its long tongue and powerful lips. Its fur coat is the most gorgeous found in the desert.—a yellow background with large brown circles placed here and there. Despite its grace and beauty,it is an awkward animal when it runs. It always looks as if it is going to fall with each step. It has two horns on its head and a somewhat goofy looking smile. To me the giraffe is a paradoxical animal—clumsily and awkwardly terrific and graceful.