





Topic 19: Earlier technological development brought more changes to the life of ordinary people than recent technological development do. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




·提高效率和生产力,使得农业化向工业化转变(make a transition from agriculture to



·城市的崛起(growth of cities),教育开始职业化和正式化(vocational and formal),工作时间固定(8小时工作日,一周五个工作日)(fixed timetable,working days/weeks);


·商品更加多样,特别是工业生产品(manufactured goods),人们不再满足自给自足的生活(self-contained);


·早期科技是现代科技的基础(the prototype of modern technologies),而现代科技是早期科技的革新(innovations of those inventions in the earliest days of the Industrial Revolution)早期科技(比如汽车、飞机)的弊端:


·造成各种污染,警如,空气污染(cause air pollution);消耗大量的资源,包括化石燃烧(consume fossil fuels)



·提高效率,增加生产力(improve productivity),让人们用手指代步let your fingers do the walking);


·减少污染(reduce pollution),减少汽油的使用;




随着效率和生产力的提高,工业化程度不断加强,导致很多企业不得不裁员(make people redundant),最终造成大量人员失业;


·工作和生活之间的差别越来越模糊(boundary between work and play is blurred),下班之后可能要查阅工作的信件;


·因特网和电脑提供了娱乐,因此人们越来越不愿意外出运动(sedentary lifestyle);


·现代科技影响了人们的文化和观念,如人们的生活从相互依靠转移到独立自主(make a transition from interdependence to independence)




Undoubtedly, people are now enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in human history. Although there is a consensus that social coincide normally with technological advances,it is a contentious issue whether the earlier technology(e.g.,machines,cars,airplanes)impacts on people's lives to a larger extent than does the recent technology (e. g., Internet, computers).In my opinion, the recent improvements in technology have more far-reaching consequences.



While the invention of automobiles was a landmark in the technological evolution of humankind,the widespread use of computers and telecommunications technology has dramatically reshaped the nature of the society. One might have benefited a lot from one's improved ability to move rapidly from one place to another because of the availability of automobiles, yet this benefit has been discounted because of the advent of the Internet. With Internet access, the world has become accessible to people and one can perform many tasks at home (e.g., grocery shopping) and let their fingers do the walking.



Lifestyles are changed by recent technologies in equal measure. Before computers and the Internet were created, most working people struggled with a lack of leisure time and the balance between family life and work life. They were fully occupied by employment and various chores, such as shopping. With Internet, they are now able to spend much less time on those routine, dull activities and lead active leisure lives .



Modern technologies also account for the evolution of people's perception of society. People tend o develop, modify and repurpose technology for their own use. Interdepence, previously a core virtue of many societies, is now undermined. Cell phones allow people to insulate their private interactions from the culture around them and to create their own micro-cultures. The mobility given by modern transport meanwhile, allures them to leave their place of birth and work and live elsewhere. Cultural norms are subject to modification and the communal lifestyle is going out of fashion.



In conclusion, whether one likes it or not, technology will continue to evolve, with the resulting changes impacting the lifestyles and cultural norms continuously. While the earlier technology had enhanced the quality of life and generated revenue for people, the recent technology has made them lead a different lifestyle from previous generations.




1. landmark=turning point=watershed event:转折点





6. norm=custom=normal ways of behaving:流行的行为,规范



