






You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


The table below shows the main reasons why people in the UK use the Internet.


Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Model Essay


The table demonstrates the dominant factors of the Internet usage for people in UK among diverse age groups. There are four categories of age groups-16 years old to 24,25-44,45-54,55 and above.



As is revealed in this graph, in the first age group (16 to 24), people using the Internet for E-mail account for the largest share (38%), followed by people who use Internet for educating (26%). Next comes other reasons for Internet using (16%).

Only 1% people's purpose is for banking, which is contrastingly smaller than that in any other age group.



With respect to people from 25 to 44, email, information on goods and services,education are the most leading three reasons (36%, 20%, 22% respectively). This pattern is similar to people from 45 to 54 years old as well. In this group, by contrast,there is no one using Internet for chat-room as that in the group of 55 and above.For people of 55 and over, E-mail, information on goods and services represent the most crucial factors of using Internet. And the most striking feature is that 9percent people of this group take advantage of Internet for banking, far more than that in other age groups.



To summarize, E-mail always plays a crucial role for people's Internet life. With the growth of age, banking enjoys a greater importance for Internet usage while educating and chatting-room become less attractive.




demonstrate vt.证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明

His study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.diverse adj.不同的,多种多样的

Society is now much more diverse than ever before.

category n. 类型,部门,种类

This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalized autobiography.with respect to 提及……

take advantage of 利用,使用

crucial adj.关键性的,极其显要的

Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.




As is revealed in this graph


A account for+百分比,followed by B.


which is contrastingly smaller than...

contrastingly smaller than...表示比另外一组少()许多,两者对比强烈,contrast的副词形式。

And the most striking feature is ...

striking 表示引人注目的、显著的,此句型用于表达一个极值或者明显趋势。



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:


Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it would cause a high level of violence in that society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Essay


The alarming upsurge in violence, especially shootings provokes a shift in people's attitude towards guns. However, the opinion that police force carrying guns will give rise to a high level of violence in the society is not justified.



There is no correlation between routinely arming the police and the level of violence in society as it is the fundamental socio-political issues, such as the widening gap between rich and poor, excessive violence on the media, the high unemployment rate that contribute to violence and crime. For example, while the police in the UK are routinely unarmed, figures released in 2009 show that the UK was the leading country in Europe in terms of violent crime rate; it even outstripped two countries in the number of crimes, namely America where the police carry guns and Africa which is notorious for the high crime rate.



Police officers carrying guns, on the contrary, is conducive to maintaining public order and preventing crime, as the routinely armed police will exert a deterrent effect on those who commit violence. Nowadays, even the countries, which did not traditionally perceive themselves as having a criminal gun culture, witness a dramatic growth in gun ownership and gun-related crime is on the rise in most European countries and Parts of America. Accordingly, the British style of policing-routinely unarmed policing will put the armed criminals in an advantageous position in that they are able to threaten and commit violence without any corresponding risk to themselves, which will in turn engender a higher level of violence.



In conclusion, there is legitimate reason that the police force carry guns and it will not contribute to the increase in violence in the society.




alarming adj.扰乱人心的,使人惊慌的

The area of tropical rainforest is decreasing at an alarming rate.

provoke v.激起,挑起,招致

The substance may provoke allergic reaction.

correlation n. 相互关系,相关性

A high correlation exists between depression and insomnia.

fundamental adj.基本的,根本的,主要的

The fundamental needs of them should be fulfilled firstly.

outstrip v. 超过,胜过

Cars easily outstrip buses as a convenient and flexible mode of personal transport.notorious adj. 臭名昭著的,臭名远扬的

The park is considered the most notorious collection of animals in the country.advantageous adj.有利的,有益的,有助的

Ingestion of vitamin C is highly advantageous to health.

legitimate adj.正当的,合理的,合法的

There should be a legitimate reason for doing that.




............影响;exert a/an...effect on...


... as the routinely armed police will exert a deterrent effect on those who commit violence.

在议论文的写作中经常要写到…………的影响。而“exert a/an…effect on...”就是一个非常实用的句型。



Addiction to computer games exerts adverse effects on children physically and psychologically.

Reading has a positive impact on children's development.


