





Topic 22: Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and expect scientists to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?




·环境:由于工业化(industrialisation)、人口的增长(rapid population growth)和资源使用的不善(inefficient energy use)导致的环境问题(environmental conditions deteriorating):如温室效应、沙漠化(desertisation)、水资源的贫乏、动植物减少(decline in fauna and flora)等等,都需要得到及时的解决;


.疾病:目前世界上还有很多不治之症(incurable diseases),还有一些新出现的疾病,如何解决这些疾病是一个巨大挑战;


·贫困和饥荒:目前世界上大概有六分之一的人生活在贫困线以下(living on,near or below the poverty line),如何提高生产力(boost productivity)、增加粮食产量(increase crop yields)和发展经济也是科学家要解决的问题。




As the 21st century continues to unfold, many technologies have arisen, most of which were previously out of the reach of people's comprehension. While some people are content with the current standard of living and tend to owe it to technical advances, an opposing point of view is that not all these changes to lives are positive. I am of the opinion that there is still room for improvement and many problems remain unsolved.



The continued improvement in technology undoubtedly accelerates industrialisation but meanwhile leads to the deterioration of the natural environment. Accompanied by technological development, many problems, such as over-exploitation of natural resources, intense use of artificial fertilisers, reliance on automobiles and deforestation, have arisen and intensified. Even worse, little progress has been made toward addressing these problems, possibly because implementing environmentally friendly policies will inevitably impede the development of energy-intensive industries. That is why the use of petrol continues to climb, despite the fact that many countries pledge to curb petrol use and discover or invent alternative resources.



Another problem is that many technologies have put people at great risks and highlighted the need for innovation. For example, the spread of the Internet is directly responsible for people's sedentary lifestyle and many health problems, such as obesity. The rise of the fast food industry, owing mainly to the development in the food processing technology, is linked to diabetes, stroke and heart disease.Many stress-related diseases are attributed to the increasingly fierce competition in society, a result of technological development. Fears of job loss have become one of the most common sources of social anxiety in these years, as computerisation has undermined the traditional position of labour by eliminating jobs. All these problems demand quick solutions.



Some other problems are associated with technology as well, although the actual impacts remain unforeseen. For example, the future of genetic engineering, a radical new technology intending to introduce genetic changes to a species, either animals or plants, and to increase crop yield, is dim. To date there is no compelling evidence to show that GE food has a good track record for human safety especially when it has been found related to thousands of poisoning cases.



Overall, whether technology is a blessing to people remains yet to be seen, so does what the 21s century can bring to them . It seems to be a fact that whenever a new technology arises , there must be some problems that follow. When people are impressed by the benefits brought by a new technology, i is important to evaluate its negative impacts and take precautions in advance.




1. unfold=display=disclose=clarify=become known=reveal:展示,展露




5.track record-past performance=reputation=background=history-profile:历史,声誉

6.precaution=preventative measure=safeguard:预防措施


