











第一课 姓名/老人


1. What’s your full name? 你的全名是?

My full name is Huang Chenfu. That’s if you can call me William for short. Now that’s my English name. Nice to meet you.

2 . What’s the meaning of your Chinese name? 你的中文名字的意思是?

The Chinese character means bravely. My parents want me to be brave and courageous when l grow up.这个名字在中文中意味着勇敢,我的父母希望我长大后成为勇敢、有胆量的人。

3. What shall call you? 请问怎么称呼?

You can me William .It’s my English name.你可以叫我William.这是我是英文名。

4.Do Chinese people like changing their names?中国人喜欢改名么?

No,we don’t,because we are traditional,and in Chinese culture,changing name is a big event.不,不喜欢,因为我们比较传统,在中国的文化习俗里,改名字是一件很大的事情。

What kind of people in China like changing their names?什么样的人在中国喜欢改名字呢?

As far as I am concerned,only people in entertainment field would like to change their names to make themselves more famous.在我看来,职业娱乐界的人才会想改名字,以使自己更出名。

6.Is there any rule for Chinese people giving names to the children?中国人在给孩子取名字的时候有什么要求?

In China, many people have their family trees. In a family tree, people of the same generation always share the same middle name. For example, my grandpa has a middle name “ De”, which means good morality. All his cousins share the same middle name as his .在中国,很多家庭都有家谱。在家谱里面,同一代人用同样的中间名,比如说,我爷爷有一个中间名“德”,意思是美德,他的所有堂兄弟都拥有和他一样的中间名

Part 2老人

Describe an elder person you are familiar.

You should say:

    who he/she is

    what his/her characters are

    what you do together

and explain why he/she influenced you.


The person I’d like to talk about is my grandfather, who is just a common farmer, He possesses the characters of most common people in China: hard-working, sincere and devoted to the kids. My grandfather didn’t earn much, but he managed to put my father through university. He lived in a small village in Guangdong Province. After I was born, he came into the city to look after me. I’ll never forget the efforts he made to help me read. I was five years old and I haven’t learned to read yet. My grandfather spent so many hours helping me because my father was very busy. He would force me to come to his room and he tutored me very strictly because he was determined that I would get a head start on the other students. As a result,I could read before I entered school, and that helped me gain an advantage in school. Besides reading and writing, my grandfather also taught me the value and importance of kindness to others. He told me that we don’t do kindness just to gain favor, but because that’s what our true nature expects us to do. As well, he taught me that kindness isn’t all smiles and praise; sometimes it involves strict and harsh words for the right reasons. I love my grandfather very much. Now I’ve grown up and grandfather is becoming old. I hope he is happy in his old age.  





1.What’s the role of elderly people in China?  老年人在中国扮演着什么样的角色

It is a traditional moral in China to respect the elderly. In every family the elderly person possesses high status, In my family we always consult with my grandfather when the decision should be made about some important family issues. And we take his suggestion seriously.   尊敬老人是中国的传统美德,每个家庭里的老人都享有很高的地位。在我家,我们经常会和爷爷一起商讨一些重要的家庭事务。我们会慎重采纳他的建议。

2.What do you think are problems for older people in China? 你认为在中国存在着哪些老年人的问题?

With the implementation of one-child policy in China, many families can’t afford to take good care of the elderly person. The young people are usually too busy to accompany their parents. And the aging problem is becoming serious. But I think these problems will be solved by means of social methods. Now nursing houses are more and more popular. And the welfare system is becoming perfect. 由于计划生育政策的实施,很多家庭不能很好地照顾老年人。年轻人太忙于他么是事业了以至于都没时间陪伴他么的父母。而且人口老龄化越来越严重。但是这些问题可以通过社会种种方法来解决。现在养老院很流行,同时福利院也在渐渐完善。

3.What are the main problems for elderly in China?  在中国老年人最主要的问题是什么?

Generally, I think the elderly people live a happy life, but they are sometimes lonely. With the implementation of the one-child policy, many elderly people don’t get enough care. In addition, there are not enough entertainment facilities for elderly people.  总的来说,老年人过着非常幸福的生活,但是他们显得有些孤独。由于计划生育政策的实施,很多老年人到不到足够的照顾。此外,能适用于老年人用的那些娱乐设施也不是很多。

4.What are the problems in elderly people’s experience?  老年人的经验有什么问题吗?

The elderly people’s experiences are very valued which direct young people in many ways, but sometimes they are out of date, and can’t follow the trend of society, So it is better to accept the elderly people’s experience selectively.   老年人的经验对于指导年轻人是非常有价值的,但是有些经验也过时了,不能跟上时代是步伐了。所以最好是有选择地听取老年人的经验。


