









Today, I sit in a surgical ICU beside my favorite Jack as he recovers from a five-hour operation to repair a massive aortic aneurysm. For me it has been a journey into the medical system as an in-experienced consumer rather than in my usual position as a seasoned provider. This journey to an urban referral center has produced some disappointing surprises for Dad, and especially for me. For the past two days, my beloved Jack has been called "Harold" (his first name; Jack is his middle name). Of course, there is nothing wrong with "Harold"—it was what he was called in the army-but Dad never has been "Harold" except to those who really don' t know him. Telephone callers at our family home who asked for "Harold" were always red flags that the caller was a telemarketer or insurance salesperson.


Dad doesn't correct his physicians or the office receptionists—he is from the old school, where it is impolite to question or correct your physician. Once he was an almost ideal "Jack, "strong, athletic, quietly confident and imminently trustworthy, but his recent renal failure and dialysis treatments, his stroke and his constant tremor have robbed him of his strength, mobility, and golf game, but not of his will or love of his family, part of the reason he agreed to undertake this risky operation at his advanced age was because his wife and sisters still need his protective support. With so much at risk, he faced this life-threatening challenge in a city far away from his home and friends and in a place where he is greeted as "Harold. "


86. The author relates the story ________ .

A. from a consumer' s point of view

B. with a view to punctuating patient rights

C. according to his own standards of health care

D. based on his own unpleasant medical treatment

87. Apparently the author' s father________ .

A. did not like to be called by the first name

B. was not well taken care of as expected

C. was mistaken for somebody else

D. was treated like a businessman

88. As the author implies his father ________ .

A. encountered so many impolite physicians

B. did nothing but kept quiet in the hospital

C. accepted the way he was greeted

D. had his diagnosis made wrongly

89. What the story implies is that ________ .

A. people are what they are called

B. nobody likes to be called Harold in English

C. a patient should be called as he or she wishes

D. a patient cannot be called by the first name in the hospital

90. The author describes his" Jack" in a tone of ________ .

A. admiration B. Inspiration C. Indignation D. expectation


86. A  文章第一段提到了For me it has been a journey…as an inexperienced consumer,故本题A选项正确。

87. A  文章第一段提到了Dad never has been “Harold” except to those who really don't know him. . Harold是他的姓,Dad只有在不认识他的人叫姓时能接受,除此之外,都叫Jack

88. C  文章没有提到Dadphysician是无礼的,故选项A不正确。选项BD也没有在文中提到。而文章最后一段提到了With so much at riskhe faced this life-threatening hallenge in a city far away from his home and Mends and in a place where he is greeted as “Harold. ”为了以后能好好照顾家人,Dad决定在一个远离家人朋友的地方做术那里的人不认识他,所以会叫他的姓。虽然他不喜欢别人叫他的姓,但是他仍然愿意去。故选项C“他接受别人叫他的姓是正确的。

89. C A  选项叫什么就是什么跟文章无关,B选项没人爱被叫Harold”也跟本文无关,D选项在医院里不能叫病人的first name”,这也没有硬性规定的。故选项C“病人想让你怎么叫他你就怎么叫他更合理。

90. A 因为文章最后一段提到了Jack同意做危险的at his advanced age是因为his wife and sisters still need his protective support,可知Jack是个很负责的人,故作者对他是很尊敬的。











