








Vocabulary (10%)

Section A

Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Beneath each of them are given four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

31. The ________ conditions and places are likely to cause diseases.

A. unsanitary B. insidious C. insane D. inefficacious

32. The witness was ________ by the judge for failing to answer the question.

A. abstained B. acquitted C. admonished D. adduced.

33. He has ________ two cars this year because of traffic accidents.

A. pulled of B. worn out C. passed out D. written off

34. People ore much better informed since the ________ of the Internet.

A. convenient B. advent C. interface D. aftermath

35. AH instruments that come into contact with the patient must be ________ before being used by others.

A. sterilized B. labeled C. quarantined D. retained

36. By adopting this cunning policy, the clinic risks ________ many of its patients.

A. acquitting B. allocating C. alleviating D. alienating

37. Humor can also be a powerful ________ against stress and misfortune.

A. bravery B. blossom C. buffer D. buffet

38. Diabetes upsets the ________ of sugar, fat and protein.

A. metastasis B. metabolism C. malaise D. maintenance

39. The muscular ________ can affect the way we feel mentally.

A. potency B. fiber C. lethargy D. synthesis

40. Evidence is widespread that HIV-infected persons show to ________ their unsafe behavior

A. respond to B. reflect on C. wipe out D. put off

Section B

Directions: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

41. Memory can be both enhanced and impaired by use of drugs.

A. inhibited B. injured C. induced D. intervened

42. Is it true that this is the major drawback of the new medical plan?

A. defect B. assistance C. culprit D. triumph

43. The physician was becoming exasperated with all the questions they were asking.

A. frustrated B. perplexed C. irritated D. crippled

44. We were shocked at the physician's Callous disregard for the human dimension of medic.

A. involuntary B. apparent C. deliberate D. indifferent

45. For years, biologists have known that chimpanzees and even some monkeys produce a panting sound akin to human laughter.

A. rocking B. gasping C. vibrating D. resonating

46. Everybody at the party was in a very relaxed and jolly mood.

A. rejoicing B. reconciling C. refreshing D. resenting

47. The bacterial infection is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.

A. impudent B. imprudent C. purulent D. prudent

48. He tried to run, but he was hampered by his broken leg.

A. endangered B. endured C. encountered D. encumbered

49. The whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.

A. consecutive B. conductive C. considerate D. considerable

50. The idea of correcting defective genes is not particularly controversial in the scientific community.

A. inevitable B. applicable C. disputable D. incredible


Section A

31. A  原句的意思:不卫生的条件和地方会引起疾病. 各选项的意思分别是:A. unsanitary不卫生的;B. insidious阴险的;C. insane患精神病的;D. inefficacious 无效力的。选项A. unsanitary不卫生的,符合原句意思,是正确答案。

32. C  原句意思:证人因不能回答问题受到法官警告。各选项的意思分别是:A. abstained被放弃;B. acquitted告无罪;C. admonished受到警告;D. adduced被引证。选项C. admonished受到警告,符合原句意思,是正确答案。

33. B  原句意思:由于车祸,他去年报废了两辆汽车。各选项的意思分别是:A. 不是固定搭配,pull:拉、拽;B. worn outwear out的过去分词形式,意思是:磨损,用坏;C. passed out昏倒;D. written off取消;选项B. worn out磨损,用坏,与原文意思贴近,是正确答案。

34. B  原句意思:自从有了因特网,人们信息灵通多了。各选项的意思分别是:A. convenient方便的:Badvent(不寻常的人或事)出现、到来;C. interface界面;D. aftermath 后果;选项B. (不寻常的人或事)出现、到来,符合原句意思,是正确答案。

35. A  原句意思:所有病人接触过的器械再次使用前必须经过消毒。各选项的意思分别是:A. sterilized消毒;B. labeled:加标签;C. quarantined隔离;D. retained保留。选项A. 消毒,符合原句意思,是正确答案。

36. D  原句意思:采纳这项狡猾政策,医院会冒疏远患者之险。各选项的意思分别是:A. acquitting宣告无罪;B. allocating分配;C. alleviating减轻(痛苦)D. alienating疏远,符合原句意思,是正确答案。

37. C  原句意思:幽默也能成为缓解压力和不幸的强有力缓冲剂。各选项的意思分别是:A. bravery勇敢;B. blossom开花期;C. buffer缓冲()D. buffet打击或自助餐。选项C buffer缓冲(),符合原句意思,是正确答案。

38. B  原句意思:糖尿病打乱了糖、脂肪和蛋白代谢机制。各选项的意思分别是:A. metastasis转移;B. metabolism代谢机制;C. malaise不适;D. maintenance维持。选项B. metabolism代谢机制,符合原文意思,是正确答案。

39. A  原句意思:肌肉力量可能影响我们的精神状态。各选项的意思分别是:A. potency量;B. fiber肌肉纤维;C. lethargy无力气;D. synthesis合成。Apotency 力量,符合原文意思,是正确答案。

40. B  原句意思:大量证据显示,HIV感染者与他们的不安全行为方式有关系。选项A. respond to做出反应;B. reflect on有关系;C. wipe out:消灭;D. put off:扔掉。B项符合原句意思。

Section B

41. B  下划线部分impaired一词的意思是:被削弱。各选项的意思分别是:A. inhibited 被抑制:D. injured受损:C. induced导致;D. intervened受到干预。B项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

42. A  下划线部分drawback一词的意思是:缺点。各选项的意思分别是:A. defect 缺陷;B. assistance协助:C. culprit罪魁;D. triumph胜利。A项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

43. C  下划线部分exasperated一词的意思是:被激怒。各选项的意思分别是:A. 受到挫折;B. perplexed迷惑不解;C. irritated恼怒;D. crippled致残。C项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

44. D  下划线部分callous一词的意思是:无情的;冷淡的。各选项的意思分别是:A. involuntary自然而然的;B. apparent显而易见的;C. deliberate有意的:D. indifferent 麻木的;冷漠盼。  D项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

45. B  下划线部分panting一词的意思是:喘气。各选项的意思分别是:A. rocking 摇摆的:B. gasping喘气;C. vibrating震动的;D. resonating共鸣的。B项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

46. A  下划线部分jolly一训的意思是:乐的。各选项的意思分别是:A. rejoicing 乐的;B. reconciling调节的;C. refreshing提神的;D. resenting愤恨的。A项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

47. D  下划线部分judicious一测的意思是;明智的;深思远虑的。各选项的意思分别是:A. impudent放肆无礼的;B. imprudent鲁莽的;C. purulent有脓的;D. prudent 谨慎的。D项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

48. D  下划线部分hampered一词的意思是:受到阻碍。各选项的意思分别是:A. endangered受到……危险;B. endured忍耐;C. encouraged受到鼓励;D. encumbered 受到阻碍。D项与划线部分为同义词,是正确答案。

49. D  下划线部分colossal一词的意思是:巨大的。各选项的意思分别是:A. consecutive连续的;B. conductive传导的;C. considerate考虑周到的;D. considerable 相当大的;相当可观的。D项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。

50. C  下划线部分controversial一词的意思是:有争议的。各选项的意思分别是:A. inevitable不可避免的:B. applicable可适用的:C. disputable有讨论余地的;D. incredible 难以置信的。C项与划线部分意思最接近,是正确答案。











